Congratulations, you’re engaged! Now what…?

You just got engaged, how exciting! As your personal engagement and wedding cheerleader, I couldn’t be happier for you!

You finally got the ring! Whether it was a surprise or not, it’s now right there glowing its little heart out on your finger and I bet it looks amazing. You’re glowing too, your fiancé / fiancée is proud as punch and secretly VERY relieved you said ‘yes’.

Annnnnnnd then the questions start…

1. So, when are you going to get married?

2. Where will you get married?

3. Yay! Grandchildren!

You answer politely and smile because you’re a good person, but on the inside you’re thinking “gee wiz aunty Kathy, it JUST happened 5 minutes ago!

You continue on with your day, flashing that new bling wherever possible, and then later that night you begin to wonder… actually, what IS the next step to take

Do we start on our guest list? Should I begin researching venues and locations? When should we get married?! How much money do we need for this? Can I finally show him the Pinterest boards I’ve been collecting over the past three years?!

The answers are: yes, yes, whenever you like, lots but less if you’re smart about it, and heck yes!

But where do we start?

I get asked this question a lot, and I also get asked how to save money, which suppliers we recommend to book, what time of year is best to get married, how to manage all the quotes, the easiest way to view venues, and many many more!

There is a person you can hire to help you through ALL of this and more, they’re called ‘wedding planners‘ and I happen to know a good one! But I know for some, the idea of outlaying money on this so early on can feel quite daunting.

Did you know that a wedding planner can:

* Help you create and stick to a manageable budget

* Assist you in finding a venue and organise a schedule to view your favourites on days/times that suit you

* Make recommendations on and book all your suppliers on your behalf

* Organise your save-the-dates, invitations and manage your guest RSVPs

* Draw up design boards to show to prospective suppliers

* Arrange a timely timeline for your wedding day and look after your suppliers on the day ie. ensuring they’re doing as promised

* Remind you of payments due

* Work with your stylist and floral designer to make your dreams a reality

* Be your professional bestie

* Unlock special discounts and savings with certain vendors

* Plan your day for dress trials and fittings

* Organise hotel room block discounts

* And pretty much anything else wedding-related!

All while saving you money and stress!

Of course you know all that, because you’re a clever cookie. But for those of you who are uncertain on which are the next steps to take and who aren’t ready to hire a planner yet- we came up with the next best thing….

An online wedding planning course designed just for couples like you!

The course is called Wedding Planning 101 and it’s basically the genie in the bottle you’ve been wishing for! #JasmineAndAladdinForever

With an easy 6 modules and a ton of helpful downloads, instructional videos and templates, (we love templates!) your wedding will be planned like a pro in no time… and for a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-blown wedding planner!

The course will be available March 2021, and if you shoot me an email at [email protected] or use our contact form here, you’ll be the first to know when it’s released!

Excited to help you plan for the best, and least-stressful wedding day ever!

Kerstyn x

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