Hello there! I’m Lauren – Hire a Bridesmaid’s new wedding contributor – I married my best friend and husband Chris almost two years ago! (Erm 2yrs already?!) Like you, this was my first (and let’s hope only) wedding, and I planned it mostly by myself… with a little help.

It’s been two glorious (let’s face it, unique) years and a baby later, and upon reflection, I wanted to share with you 4 things I learnt from my wedding and some realizations I’ve had since then. I know first-hand how easy it is to get caught up in the smallest details and that we can forget about what matters most, so I hope in sharing what I remember, I can help you stick to what’s most important to you and have that dream wedding you’ve been planning since forever…
1. Try not to fret about the weather.
Seriously, I know that it’s your worst nightmare to wake up on your wedding morning, not having glorious blue skies, birds chirping and a gentle summer breeze, but speaking from experience I wish I had accepted the weather much earlier in the day for what it was! It was blowing a gale (think ‘we’re not in Kansas anymore’) and because of the bush fires that summer flies were EVERYWHERE. Little did I know that my amazing Floral Arbour was being looked after and sandbagged down, and the veil I was supposed the wear down the aisle was saved for some seriously stunning photos later in the day. And the Flies? I completely forgot they were there in the moment, and my photographer even vanished them away in our photos. Looking back, I wouldn’t have changed a THING about the weather/flies as they are memories that lent themselves to making our day extra special. Trust your vendors/ co-ordinator and wedding party to take care of the logistics and just soak in your pre-wedding prep! You only get the sparkly wedding morning feeling once- soak it all in and try to forget whatever mother nature throws your way!n
2. Invite the people you want vs the people you feel obligated to!
Knowing who to put on the invite list is always one of the very first things you think of when it comes to wedding planning. (Cue the wine). When we were putting our list together, we got caught up in inviting friends and family that we thought ought to be on the list. Let’s be honest, capping numbers is hard enough and ultimately you are paying per head for people the be there. I wish that we had taken more of a stand and stuck to our guns with who we genuinely couldn’t get married without and kept the numbers even smaller than we did (65). You’ll have photos and videos that last forever, so make sure the people in them are faces you want to see forever! n
3. Don’t Forget to eat!
OMG, let me tell you, getting married is like running a marathon. It’s the most fantastic most exhausting day- and by the time I got to our dinner seating I could have eaten the plate right there in front of me and drunk the water from the flower vases- tight wedding dress be damned! I wish I had asked for a snack pack of the delicious canapes we had handed around to munch on in-between the ceremony and photos. Remember to eat and stay hydrated people! #hangrybriden
4. SOS! Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
On the day and after…. While sometimes DIY weddings seem attractive, they can also be A LOT of work and additional stress. We didn’t do much DIY at all (mainly centre pieces and some faux ivy from the ceiling) but the set up was still EPIC. We don’t know what we would have done without our friends and family who all pitched in to help us set up the night before- and then insisted we not help the following Moring with take down! (Besties right there, because let’s be honest we boogied and drank the night away). If you don’t have an on the day planner or an event space that does set up and break down, make sure you have help! I cannot imagine how I would have felt (even though I did still have a minor freak out) if we didn’t!

The takeaway? Repeat after me… ‘I WILL soak up and ENJOY every single aspect of my wedding’ – because honestly, no matter what, it’s a dream. And at the end of the day, you get to marry your best friend for life. What could be better than that?!
Live Happily ever after, YOU deserve it… *Ahhhh Swoon*
Lauren x
Lauren is our newest addition to the Hire a Bridesmaid editorial family. She loves love and she loves writing, so we think it’s a win-win! We hope you’ve enjoyed the first of many articles filled with advice and wedding guidance from Lauren and the team in the lead up to your wedding.