Oh Sh*t! I’m engaged… Now what?!

Nothing warms my heart more than a chocolate doughnut and a piping hot coffee. But if I had to choose, proposals would be a close second. I obsess about hearing people’s engagement stories (be prepared for when we meet). I love hearing about the planning process, the moment you realised what was happening and the onslaught of love that soon flows your way from friends and family.

Soon enough, you’re on cloud nine with no plans to return to Mother Earth.

But the show must go on and the engagement party planning starts! You run to Kikki K and buy yourself a gorgeous new notepad to pen all of your grand plans, you google 486+ possible venues and you undoubtedly start Pinteresting the begeezus out of a suitable outfit. Also you two days later:

Very quickly it can feel like there’s a mountain of things to do, not to mention the budget has blown 4 times already and it doesn’t even include alcohol.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was someone to take care of it ALL? “But who?” you ask…

(Me silly, not Christina Aguilera)

A recent survey conducted by EasyWeddings.com.au showed that while couples mostly chose to DIY their engagement parties, 83% agreed that it was “stressful and overwhelming”. This is such a shame! An engagement party is a way for you to celebrate your love, it should be fun and exciting.

As your engagement party planner, I will source and liaise with your venue around seating, lighting, catering and beverages. I’ll organise your cake of choice and entertainment – DJ? Band? iPod? Chris Hemsworth? I’ll supply you with a budget outline so we stick to the plan and ultimately ensure you spend less time stressing and more time enjoying the occasion.

K x

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